JEMSTEC stands for Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology. It is a research and development agency under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan. JEMSTEC's aim is to contribute to the sustainable development of marine resources and promote an understanding of the Earth's system through marine and earth science.

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JEMSTEC carries out a wide range of activities including scientific research, technological development, data collection and analysis, and international cooperation. Its research fields cover topics such as marine biology, geology, oceanography, and climate change.

The agency operates several research vessels and underwater vehicles to conduct marine surveys and observations. JEMSTEC also operates marine research facilities and laboratories, and collaborates with other organizations and research institutes both in Japan and internationally.

Overall, JEMSTEC plays a vital role in advancing marine and earth science in Japan and contributes to global scientific understanding of the marine environment and the Earth's systems.


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