Getting Her To Sleep With You 

Go slow. Guys often make the Worst mistake by moving straight from zero physical contact with a woman to going all the way and expecting her to do the same or fell the same way with her

Share a whisper. sometimes She You are with her try talking to her with a low voice make her come closer to you in other to hear you well,And don't forget to hold her hands while taking to 

The Kiss Test. Try going closer to Make her tell her how beautiful she is, tell her from the first day I saw you I know you are the right one for me I so much love you but I don't know how to make you understand me better, then kiss her,kiss her again and again 

Take Her To Your Place. Try using her hand to touch your place ''under your trousers let her feel your penis''

Message Her. Also touch her gently, place your hands on her touch (v**gina) at same time touch her bubs.

Make Her Touch You. In the stage you are ready to go let her touch you also touch her while kissing her..(*****) Enjoy your day 

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